
Heartburn And Stomach Viruses

Heartburn and stomach viruses have more in common than you may first think. Most people are discovering that it’s easy to be immune to viruses; it doesn’t matter if you are exposed to them. In fact the whole flu virus vaccine is a scam. Most people that get the shot are now carrying the live or attenuated virus モンクレール. . . along with mercury and other poisons. There is no scientific proof the viral shot even helps-at best it might protect you for a week and a half. But there’s something else you need to know about viruses and heartburn . . . neither one can harm you if your internal “environment” is healthy. Let me explain. If your saliva, tissue and blood “environment” is balanced at about pH 7.4 even cancers cells are dormant. Viruses, like cancer cells, require a low oxygen, high acid and low pH to thrive. Stomach viruses can’t even reproduce unless they take over your cells, which they cannot when your pH is “salty” or alkaline. When I say “salty” I don’t mean table salt モンクレール, I mean, mineral rich, sea salty. Your healthy blood, tissue and saliva are nearly identical to sea water as far as composition and pH. Your heartburn also depends on a healthy pH. Only your stomach environment should have a low pH, which means high acid levels モンクレール ダウン. However your “gut,” or digestive system, needs to be more “salty” and less acid. Only your stomach lining is tough enough for stomach acid. The rest of your digestive tract is gradually less acidic and more alkaline because it has to support delicate flora and microorganisms that help break your food down even further, after your stomach acid and powerful enzymes get first shot. The two are connected because if your gut is out of balance, that means the good bacteria and micro-organisms are being overrun by bad bacteria and evil microorganisms. Once the bad guys take over, your digestive system, or gut, fails to pull enough minerals ダウン モンクレール, nutrients and cofactors from your food as it goes through your long plumbing system. This means that your immune system is compromised and to make things worse, now you may be suffering from heartburn caused from your stomachs inability to properly digest your food. Yes, that’s right, more often than not; heartburn is actually caused from lack of stomach acid. You see, to make stomach acid, your gall bladder and other organs need plenty of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. So stomach acid is eventually connected to viral infections. The last thing you want is Candida albicans growing in your gut. Candida is the bad micro-organism, not to mention E. coli and viruses moncler. Candida is yeast that turns into a fungus that puts holes in your gut and allows undigested food molecules to get in your blood. While your immune system is burdened with fighting this problem, it uses up what nutrient stores you had left モンクレール ダウン. Once your system bogs down because of low oxygen, low pH and low nutrition, acid wastes build up inside your cells モンクレール ダウン. Viruses like acidic cells moncler ダウン; they can compromise them and eventually take them over to help reproduce more viruses. So learn how to stay alkaline and eat more “raw,” nutrient rich, food sources to promote your minerals and all that good stuff-your body will take care of the rest. You were born to heal moncler, Todd M ダウン モンクレール. Faassé Health Ecologist Spread the Word!
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